Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Great Video...with Great Resources!!

This video was very interesting to see how second graders can use technology and be independent. The  use of direct teacher instruction is evident and then reinforced by technology. He uses great resource websites and the students were actively engaged.
As I think about the upcoming school year I am both nervous and excited to think of the possibilities of using technology in my classroom. Differentiated Instruction strategies allows me as a teacher to adapt my instruction to meet the needs of students. Watching this video helps put in perspective just how beneficial these strategies can be.


  1. Great video! I love how the students are in charge of their learning pace. Playing a game and learning, what a great way to have students practice math concepts. I really liked that the students received immediate feedback which gave the teacher opportunity to help those still struggling. The kids really looked engaged.

    Thanks for sharing,


  2. Thanks so much for sharing! Lots of cool things to explore from that video, not only the content of it but also some of the resources he employs in his classroom. (I also like those whiteboard write-on tables and desks, how practical! Didn't know if you noticed those or not.)

  3. His method definitely beats worksheets! I like that he earned a lot of his technological tools through grants and such. That is something I may have to look into a little more. Also, I need that whiteboard table. :)

  4. This video even though it was of a second grade class is getting me excited and nervous for teaching 4th grade self contained again. Look at how the students work collaboratively and independently with the technology. Vey inspiring to me!!
