Saturday, August 11, 2012

Wrap Up yet a NEW beginning!!

As I just finished my final paper for this class I found myself being very self reflective as to all the tools and resources we have examined. I know that I want perfect my own teaching and now I feel that I have many more tools and resources to do just that. As we continue with this course of study I am excited to see what is next!!
I start a new adventure with a entire new grade level this fall and have to say I am very excited to face the challenge. I think about the job I do everyday and know to me it is not just a job but a passion to teach and engage my students.

Friday, August 10, 2012

What is Pinterest??

We all know what the new thing in facebook is and how it is helping people stay connected. Pinterst is that new idea in the social network. I currently do not use pinterest but realize just how many uses it may really have in terms of education. This article has several five minutes or less video clips discussing  
pinterest and the value to education. Makes me think about my little sister who just started her first teaching job in Phoneix Arizona and is using pinterest to gain classroom set up and bulletin board ideas. Maybe something I could benefit from as well. Keeping up with the technology also means paying attention to strategies being shared collaboratively across the country!!

DI...the new education buzz word!!

WOW!! This is a GREAT article with a wealth of information and resources about differentiated instruction. As we prepare for the new school year I am excited yet nervous to get the ball rolling and see just what is in store. Thinking about the classes, students, parents and colleagues I will be working with this year has me challenging myself to be a better teacher. Utilizing the resources and the term differentiated instruction is always a challenge depending on the individual students in the classroom but something I feel I am ready to take on. Teacher planning and collaboration are critical components of instruction as this is a way to work together for the sake of the students. So keep in mind the bigger picture....Engaging all students in every lesson using differentiated instruction strategies.

Practice and Warm Temps,0,2455697.story?track=rss

As I was reading this article I am reminded of the extreme heat related illness that can ultimately lead to death if not taken seriously. As a soccer coach I remind my athletes every practice about the importance of drinking water and knowing the limits of excessive practicing. We actually do not practice outside if the temperature with the heat index is 90 degrees or higher. As the fall sports seasons start coaches, athletes, and parents need to be aware of the dangers involved with practices in the extreme heat. Knowing the limitations of each athlete and listening to their individual concerns may and hopefully will avoid the heat related illness and even death. A scary thought but something that needs to be taken seriously by everyone!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Student art taken to a new level!!

This article talks about the art exhibit and competition for the Martin Luther King Library in DC. Reading this article reminds me that all students can be successful if they are simply just given a chance to SHINE. As teachers we have to be able to adapt lessons to meet the needs of all students. This exhibit does just that as these students are considered "special needs kids." It is heartwarming to see the support the kids get from their parents and others. Finding that special talent of children and giving them the resources to be successful is what makes me love my career as a teacher. So think about these students and what you can do with the talent of your students!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012 RSS News Feed RSS News Feed

A website with RSS feeds and a wealth of useful information about education.

Connected Educator and New Teachers!!

As I was reading this article I found myself thinking about my first year as a teacher and am reminded of the challenges I faced. I had an amazing team of teachers and strong administrators that helped me through the first few years. I learned a lot and really put things into perspective about the job we have as teachers. The five ideas for new teachers to be connected educators I believe can be helpful for veteran teachers as well. As we prepare for the new school year there are things that I need to work on to better myself and these ideas actually pertain to me as well. Networking and sharing ideas with colleagues is such a powerful resource and can be very useful for all teachers.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Soccer has an Impact!!

These soccer stars will always have an impact on the kids the work with at summer camp. Such an amazing experience I have had as a coach with DC SCORES for eight years in which I will start my ninth in the fall. Nana is one of success stories. He was in my 4th grade class and started playing soccer that year. He has a great attitude and loves to show his soccer skills. I remember a conversation I had with him and his mother about playing soccer. She wanted him to be active and he wanted to play because I was the coach. This ultimately allowed him to strive in academics as well because he wanted to play but had to maintain his grades. Still to this day seven years later he talks about his first year with DC SCORES.  It is amazing to think about how we as teachers can have such an everlasting impact on the lives of our students. With the help of non-profit organizations such as DC SCORES our students have endless opportunities to be who they want to be!!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Chick fil-A... Can we learn something here??

I know this is really is not an educational article but I am thinking that there really is a lesson to be learned here!! This scandal is making headlines all over the country in which people are boycotting the food chain becuase of comments. Some believe the comments were taking out of context. Either way there is a lesson to be learned here. The protests being held around the country are showing just how much people are for or againist the issue of gay and lesbian rights. It will be interesting to see just how much a financial impact the protests will have on the resturant chain. To be honest...the food is good and their salads are AMAZING!!


Assessments! Are they really showing what students have learned in the classroom and from your teaching?
As I was reading this article it reminds me of my own teaching and the types of assessment tools I use. What a very informative post and related to Common Core which was also has a huge impact. As we are working in our distrcit to adopt the standards it was very intersting to read about ways to make assessments that are meaningful and measurable using different formats. I like the criteria for designing asssessment tools as it takes into consideration multiple learning styles. Overall a GREAT article with information to start thinking about as we preapare for the new school year.
So thinking about assessments we as teachers need to remember our students and what you want them to learn from your lessons.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Messy Eating of Mango compares to Teaching!!

As I read this article I found myself living in the moment of eating a piece of fruit and reflecting on my own teaching in my classroom. I like the comparison in this article of the sweet stickiness of the mango to the classroom. We put so much emphasis on the standardized tests that the learning and teaching seems to be very test directed instead of just teaching the content. If the students are engaged and involved in their learning then the amazing teaching happens naturally. I have to remember to stay one step ahead of my students so they do not get the best of me. I like the last comment about standardized testing:

"Never let the standardized testing movement steal the joy and the mess of learning with your students. Take a minute to share with us your fruity experiences of teaching." 

Who would have thought that teaching could have been compared to eating fruit!! media in different light!!

I just became a member of this website and I am actually kind of excited about it!! It brings social media  to a new level. It reminds me of facebook but rather facebook with a network of all teachers. To top it off a group of teachers all teaching the same grade level. What a great way to share strategies, resources, success stories and challenges. There are many great tools and links to pages for other resources as well. The best part is the collaboration and blog discussions posted by teachers.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

I cannot even imagine...

My heart goes out to the families of this tragedy in Aurora Colorado. It is very hard to believe just how cruel people can be in this case one person to take the lives of innocent people attending the movie opener. I cannot even imagine what I would have done or how I would have reacted if I was in that situation. This article is only one account of what happened and how things in your life can change so quickly and most times without warning.
I guess as I listen to the news, read many articles, and hear the stories of the survivors I am reminded that life is to short to be worried about things you have no control over. This incident makes me think about my family and how much I value the time we spend together.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Teachers in July!!

As I read this article I had to chuckle just a little. We go go go all year do the job we love as teachers and working for our students and then bang summer vacation. Some think that teachers really do take the two months off but little do they know most are preparing for the next year. We do not finish until almost the end of July and then back in the middle of August so that leaves July for all the summer things teachers do. I like this article and the ideas of ways to start planning for the upcoming year as it helps teacher gain perspective of what the year will bring. For myself July has been spent teaching summer school, taking a class, and getting ready to transition to a new classroom and grade level for the  next year. Trying to be step ahead and think positive allows me to survive this summer.
I think everyone needs to realize that teachers really do not have vacation like our students because we are working to better ourselves and prepare for the next adventure. Yes we also need to take time to RELAX and take things in stride...that is what I will be doing the first two weeks in August!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Great Resource for Kids!!

This is the kids version of the Washington Post and it is a very cool resource. Every week it has different posts about kids and things around the DC metro area. The Sunday edition is loaded with resources, activities, interviews and book lists for kids of all ages. This week it features several stories about kids and summer vacation. The homework helper links teach kids about all kinds of subject areas.

Great Teachers vs. Technology...What is your choice??

WOW!! That's what I have to say! As I was reading this article my heart goes out to the student who is ultimately the one who is left out to dry. Technology is not and should not be used in place of teachers. I use technology in my classroom as reinforcement of the skills and content being taught. The Reading 180 program if used properly is a great intervention source for struggling readers. It does involve teacher directed lessons and reinforcement on the computer with comprehension, vocabulary quizzes.
Children these days are so into the technology aspect of learning but without the proper instruction and resources learning does not take place. In my opinion, teachers need to engage students in the learning process and use technology to supplement the instruction NOT replace it!!

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Teachers Learn Too!!

Summer Vacation is all about relaxation but you cannot forget about your own learning and professional development to better yourself and your passion. I really like this article and it makes me think as teacher of how we always tell our students that the learning should not stop over the summer but we often forget that goes for us as well. I know there have been summers where all I wanted to do was hang out at the lake, on the boat and eating ice cream every night but have a professional goal in mind as well. I think all teachers have this expectation and that's why I do not like when people tell me you are a teacher so you have summers off. Little do they know that we attend classes, professional conferences and even teach all summer. I like the three suggestions given here and plan to take sometime to think about how they can help me professionally. Summer vacation is just that a vacation from students and the classroom but not necessarily a vacation from learning!! Summer school, classes and life in general makes me exhausted just thinking about it!! 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Brightwood Poetry Slam Performance!!

This video clip is the performance at the Poetry Slam in which all 27 schools perform their original poetry in front of a huge crowd. I am very proud of the kids and overcoming the fear of performing on stage. Sharing their writing, playing soccer and service learning are all components of this program. It is  amazing to see students perform both on stage and on the soccer field. Once again just a shout out to Brightwood on a job well done. Poetry Slam participant and Girls City Cup Runner it!!

Great Video...with Great Resources!!

This video was very interesting to see how second graders can use technology and be independent. The  use of direct teacher instruction is evident and then reinforced by technology. He uses great resource websites and the students were actively engaged.
As I think about the upcoming school year I am both nervous and excited to think of the possibilities of using technology in my classroom. Differentiated Instruction strategies allows me as a teacher to adapt my instruction to meet the needs of students. Watching this video helps put in perspective just how beneficial these strategies can be.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Amazing Experience with DC SCORES

Check out the DC SCORES blog spot to see many cool posts about a program I am very passionate about. The above post is actually about an experience we had with DC SCORES. Yes a trip to the White House and pictures with the first lady. We had the amazing opportunity to attend the awards presentation with LA Galaxy and President Obama. We then were suppose to be on the lawn with a clinic but due to weather we sat in the West Room and listened to the players answer questions from the  students. I even asked a question that made the video at the end. Michelle Obama took pictures with the kids and gave a quick speech. What an AMAZING experience to have been a part of.

Monday, July 9, 2012

48 Ultra-Cool Summer Sites for Kids and Teachers | Edutopia

48 Ultra-Cool Summer Sites for Kids and Teachers | Edutopia

This is a GREAT list for students. My students have used some sites and agree they are pretty cool.
I like this list because of the descriptions which makes searching easy. There are many great resources to be used by teachers and students. Just think of the possibilities for students now a days that are so technology inspired. We spend an hour each day during summer school in the computer lab utilizing math and reading programs. The students are SO engaged in their learning and actually look forward to the time there. I plan to look at all these sites and make a list for reinforcement. THANKS for sharing.
Students can play games on the computer and be learning content or practicing skills at the same time!!

Summer in Northern Michigan!,0,2412025.story

I cannot wait until the first week in August!! I will be making that 12 hour drive or 3 hour flight HOME! Yes I said home. Petoskey is my home and I am proud to say how much I love the area. I currently live and work in DC but love the time I spend in the mitten, specifically up north.
With technology I am able to feel like I am there. The facebook pages, Petoskey News on line, and of course family still in the area keep me updated daily.
I will be one of the tourist next month even though I do not consider myself a "fudgie."

Writing Apps!!

As I was reading this article about writing apps I am reminded of just how far we as a society have come in terms of technology. From cell phones to smart phones and computers to laptops the apps are endless. We just received from our school district, IPADS and most teachers already have IMAC
laptops. The IPAD is still new to me as it reminds me of my IPOD touch. The keyboard allows for touch screen which of course is different from the computer. It is simply amazing how much technology is available now for EVERYONE!
Teachers: Are You Taking Time Off This Summer? | Edutopia

As I read this post I am reminded of how we spend summers. Right now I am teaching summer school, taking a grad class, and preparing for the next school year. I often wonder sometimes if I really do get a break. We had one week before regular school and summer school, in which I did go on vacation out of the country. We then have two weeks after summer school and the start of the next year. It just makes you think about what people say about teachers and how we have our summers off. I know this is not true for myself as I am always "working" and preparing for my next move. I spend a lot of time reflecting over the summer thinking about things that went well and things I can improve on. Teachers in my building now are also working on professional development opportunities such as Common Core workshops, National Board Certification and grad level work. So yes we are off in the summer by choice BUT keep in mind teachers are learning as well regardless the time of year!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

As we returned from vacation last week I am reminded of how busy things can get with school, classes and life in general. I spent a relaxing week in Jamaica in which I feel as if I lost track of days and time. On our return flight I had time to think and reflect about our mini vacation and realized it is something I need to do more often. I have also realized that I need to take it one step at a time and look at the bigger picture. I have such an important job as a teacher and want to learn as much as I can form my classes to better myself for the sake of my students!!
Just some insight from my trip last I am always in a rush and do not take time to "Smell the Roses" along the journey of life!!